Scholarship and Loan Programs


  • Join us at JFS from 10 a.m. - Noon as we sort 1500-3000 pounds of food from A Simple Gesture. We will weigh, sort, check expiration dates and stock the David D. Frazier Food Pantry. This is a gr...

  • Join JFS to discuss any book you are reading!

    This is an atypical book club in that no one is reading the same book. Enjoy some dessert and peruse the books in the Greensboro Jewish Library that...

  • Bereavement Group
    Meets Every Month
    3:30 p.m. at Jewish Family Services

    The JFS Bereavement Group is a safe space led by our social workers Alicia Kaplan and Sheilagh Harrington where all are welc...

  • Join us at JFS from 10 a.m. - Noon as we sort 1500-3000 pounds of food from A Simple Gesture. We will weigh, sort, check expiration dates and stock the David D. Frazier Food Pantry. This is a gr...

Investing in our future means helping provide access to immersive Jewish experiences for youth, teens and young adults. Waking up surrounded by your peers, sharing meals together, and learning through a variety of shared experiences can increase their connections to Jewish community, traditions, values, and culture. Jewish Family Services, together with the Greensboro Jewish Federation, help make Jewish experiences accessible and affordable. JFS provides educational opportunities for higher learning, offers ways for teens afford visiting Israel, and gives children a chance to attend Jewish Overnight Summer Camps.


Overnight Jewish summer camp is one of the most important ways to build Jewish identity in children and young adults. Both Jewish Family Services and the Federation have a number of programs to assist families to make this camp possible.

  • Jewish Family Services offers scholarships for middle and lower income families in Guilford County for an approved non-profit overnight camp. The application is available on line HERE and is due by the last day of February. For JFS funds, it is also necessary to apply for assistance through the camp. Please contact Alicia Kaplan (336) 852-4829, ext. 225 for more information.
  • FIRST YEAR CAMPERS: The Greensboro Jewish Federation, Temple Emanuel, and Beth David Synagogue offer a One Happy Camper First Year Incentive Grant of $1250 to an approved non-profit Jewish overnight camp over 18 days long. If your child is going to a program of 12-18 days in length a grant of $875 is available. The approved camp list and application is at the One Happy Camper website
  • The Stanley Shavitz Camp Judaea Camper Incentive Grant Fund provides an additional first year grant of $1000 to campers attending Camp Judaea. If you are applying for the One Happy Camper First Year Incentive Grant, you will automatically be considered for the Shavitz Fund if your child is attending Camp Judaea. The Shavitz fund is also available to second year campers attending Camp Judea in an amount of $500/camper. Contact the Outreach and Engagement Manager at the Federation at (336) 852-5433, ext. 243.
  • The Fischer Send-A-Kid to Overnight Jewish Camp Incentive Grant Fund provides an additional first time campers grant of $1000/camper for camps greater than 18 days, or $500/camper for camps 12-18 days for any qualifying Jewish overnight camp, aside from Camp Judea. Contact the Outreach and Engagement Manager at the Federation at (336) 852-5433, ext. 243.
  • ASSISTANCE FROM CONGREGATIONS: If you are a member of a congregation, contact your Rabbi for any possible additional assistance.
  • FINANCIAL AID FROM CAMP: Most camps offer financial aid and will be happy to talk with you about this. Start by going to their websites to apply and follow directions there regarding financial aid. If anything is not clear, call the camp to clarify the process and make sure your request is known. Applying early is always a good idea.
  • Temple Emanuel provides a limited number of scholarships through the The Bradley J. Starr Campership Fund on a first come, first served basis if the child is not receiving assistance from the One Happy Camper Fund Incentive Grant. Temple membership is required. Contact Brenda Henley at Temple Emanuel (336) 292-7899.


ISRAEL EXPERIENCES strengthen Jewish identity and create deeper connections to the global Jewish community. Grants and scholarships provided by the Jewish Family Services and the Greensboro Jewish Federation help teens and young adults afford life-changing Israel adventures.  


JFS administers the Jacke W. and Lottie K. Samet Israel Experience Scholarship Fund which awards grants to Jewish youth living in Guilford County going to Israel on their first teen peer trip. The Scholarship is based on merit and need and must be to an approved program in Israel. The applicant can be a member of a local congregation or must demonstrate a sincere interest and commitment to Judaism. Priority is given to high school seniors, rising juniors, graduating seniors, and rising sophomores in that order. College students up to the age of 25 are then eligible if funds remain. CLICK HERE for the guidelines and HERE for the application. For more information on the Jacke W. and Lottie K. Samet Israel Experience Scholarship Fund, contact Alicia Kaplan, JFS Director, (336) 852-4829 ext. 225.


The Greensboro Jewish Federation also helps teens deepen their knowledge about and connection with Israel, through Israel Experience scholarships and grants.We encourage teens and young adults to visit the Greensboro Jewish Federation website to learn more.



Jewish Family Services recognizes the importance of a college degree, and is committed to help provide access to quality education. For more infomation about scholarships or interest-free loans, contact Alicia Kaplan, JFS Director, (336) 852-4829 ext. 225.


Jewish Education Loan Fund (JELF)


Jewish Family Services is proud to work in partnership with JELF to help local Jewish students reach their academic goals. Higher education costs are rising and JELF is meeting the need through providing 0% interest loans to Jewish students.


All qualifying applicants must be:


  • A permanent resident of FL, GA, SC, NC, and VA (excluding metro DC) (they can, however, attend any U.S. accredited school)

  • Enrolled full-time in a program leading to a degree or certificate

  • In good academic standing

  • A U.S. citizen, or have lawful immigration status

  • Able to provide a designated co-signer that lives in the U.S.

  • Planning to accept federal subsidized and unsubsidized loans (FAFSA application required)

JELF loans are intentionally designed to help cover costs associated with the educational and living expenses that other financial aid often does not cover, such as travel, rent, food, and books. JELF’s 0% interest loans help save borrowers thousands of dollars in high interest-bearing debt each year.


The JELF application is open each year from January-April for students seeking assistance for the next full academic year and again in August-September for students that need assistance for spring and/or summer semesters.


To apply, please visit For more information, contact Alicia Kaplan, JFS Director, (336) 852-4829 ext. 225.

The Rosalyn Saltz and Norman Seymour Pliner Scholarship Fund


The Rosalyn Saltz and Norman Seymour Pliner Scholarship Fund was established by Norman Seymour Pliner, z"l in memory of his wife to honor her lifelong commitment to higher education. Unable to attend college, Rosalyn Saltz, z"l was an avid learner and regretted her lack of a university education. Her daughters, Dr. Patricia Louise Pliner, Dr. Judith Ellen Pliner, and Janice Leslie Pliner continue this fund to help others achieve what their mother only dreamed of doing.


The Scholarship provides financial assistance to students residing in North or South Carolina attending accredited post-secondary schools as full-time students. Selected recipient(s) must demonstrate commitment and involvement in their chosen field as well as advancing Jewish women in leadership roles.


CLICK HERE for the The Rosalyn Saltz and Norman Seymour Pliner Scholarship Guidelines and Application. Contact Alicia Kaplan, JFS Director, (336) 852-4829 ext. 225 regarding availability. Applications are due the last day of May.