Greensboro Community Yom Hashoah Commemoration
Wednesday, April 27
Temple Emanuel, 1129 Jefferson Rd, Greensboro
Join us in person at Temple Emanuel on Wednesday, April 27, at 7:00 p.m. for a commemoration of the lives and heroism of the Jewish people who died in the holocaust.
The evening will include a community-led ceremony, musical performances, and special guest speaker, Natasha Koboleva. Natasha is a staff member and congregant of Temple Emanuel. She grew up in the city of Kyiv in Ukraine and will speak on her personal connection and insights into the history of Ukrainian Jews, with special attention given to Babi-Yar - the site of massacres carried out by Nazi German forces during its campaign against the Soviet Union in World War II.
This year marks the 80th anniversary of the Babi-Yar massacre in Ukraine. Now, more than ever, it is imperative to remember this travesty, as the memorial site has been destroyed in the midst of the current war.
Sponsor: Greensboro Jewish Federation, Temple Emanuel and Beth David Synagogue