Join JFS for Memories For Future Generations
A virtual writing series offered by Creative Aging Network-NC
Every Tuesday in June
at 11 a.m. via Zoom
Have you ever wanted to put some of the strange, wonderful, exciting, and discouraging events in your life into a form so that the next generation can experience what you have experienced? When you capture the past, you offer a gift to the future. That’s what this workshop on making memories come alive is all about.
Classes will be held online via Zoom each Tuesday in June:
6th, 13th, 20th, 27th
11a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
We will learn some of the tricks to writing a memoir.
We will learn how to create dialogue, to set up scenes, and to develop drama like professional writers do.
By looking at short memories and learning to use some of the tools of writing fiction, we will bring our past to life.
One time payment of $40 gives access to this 4 class series.
This is a reduced rate thanks to support from the Carolina Foundation for Jewish Seniors.
*Scholarships are available for those in need.
**For scholarship details, contact Lia Miller at lia@can-nc.org
Bruce Spang, former Poet Laureate of Portland, is the author of two novels, The Deception of the Thrush and Those Close Beside Me. His most recent collection of poems, All You’ll Derive: A Caregiver’s Journey, was just published. He’s also published four other books of poems, including To the Promised Land Grocery and Boy at the Screen Door (Moon Pie Press) along with several anthologies and several chapbooks. He is the poetry and fiction editor of the Smoky Blue Literary and Arts Magazine. His poems have been published in Connecticut River Review, Puckerbrush Review, Red Rover Magazine, Great Smokies Review, Kalopsia Literary Journal, Café Review and other journals across the United States. He teaches courses in fiction and poetry at Great Smokies Writing Program at University of North Carolina in Asheville and lives in Candler, NC with his husband Myles Rightmire and their four dogs, five fish, and thirty birds.
Writing a memoir is about telling your own story, but you don’t have to do it alone! Memories for Future Generations is a four-week virtual writing series on Zoom. Join us each Tuesday in June to learn some tricks to writing a memoir and bring the past to life.
Sponsor: Creative Aging Network, Carolina Foundation for Jewish Seniors