Jewish Family Services of Greensboro (JFS) provides a range of supportive, mental health, and volunteer services and programs that are dedicated to the well-being of the Jewish community and contribute to the vibrancy of the greater Greensboro community. JFS works to build a community where every individual and family receive the support and assistance they need to thrive.



Jewish Family Services provides a broad range of social services to help adults and families. Our programs include counseling, case management, referrals, employment services, a food pantry and more.

Jewish Family Services offers a range of services for older adults and their families including information and referral, counseling, caregiver support, case management, transportation, and programs in senior facilities.

JFS facilitates programs to help educate, support and involve children and families. We offer parent education programs, topics of interest to adults of all ages, and projects for children and parents to enjoy together. 

JFS supports Jewish educational experiences to teens and young adults by offering financial assistance to visit Israel, to Jewish overnight summer camp, and interest-free loans for higher education. 

Jewish Family Services works to actively engage the Jewish community in meaningful volunteer activities. Our volunteers exemplify the spirit of tikkun olam, repairing the world. Last year volunteers logged in over 2200 hours of service!

All sections of the Greensboro Jewish Library are open for browsing and borrowingClick Here for your Library I.D. Borrow or browse books from the Jewish Book Council, PJ Library and donations from private collections.


Door to door service for older adults and disabled riders is provided by the JFS Van and is available for social events, visiting friends, doctor’s appointments, shopping, religious services, etc. The van is $3 each way and free on Shabbat through the generosity of donors. 


Call (336) 852-4829 ext. 222 three days ahead to schedule a ride.

Sign Up for Email Updates

Get JFS in your inbox! Sign-up for e-news for the latest information, resources, and invitations from Federation and Jewish Family Services.

  • Shalom Greensboro Magazine

    In 2019, the Greensboro Jewish Federation introduced Shalom Greensboro magazine. The bi-monthly publication features articles from the Greensboro Jewish community, updates on Federation events and programs, plus an in-depth feature article. We invite you to sign up for your free subscription to Shalom Greensboro magazine.


CARS: A Vehicle Donation Program


Help support the programs, services, and the JFS emergency assistance fund with a vehicle donation. JFS has partnered with CARS, an experienced national vehicle donation program, and will receive 80% of the profits from your donation. The process is simple — CARS will pick up your donation, handle all paperwork, and will send you a tax receipt. Call JFS (336) 852-4829 and say you want to donate your car, truck, boat or airplane! You may also visit CARS online and begin the process through our JFS portal.

Did you know one aspect of the recently passed CARES Act includes new charitable giving incentives?  To bolster charitable giving in a time of economic downturn, a $300 above-the-line tax deduction for charitable giving, will be eligible to both itemizers and non-itemizers alike. The CARES Act also raises itemized charitable contribution deduction limits for individuals who itemize their deductions and claim the charitable contribution deduction.   



  • The David D. Frazier Food Pantry

    The David D. Frazier Food Pantry at Jewish Family Services provides to more than 130 local families.

    You can help fill the Pantry by ordering from our Amazon Wish List! Just address deliveries to JFS at 5509-C W. Friendly Ave, Greensboro, NC 27410. Food may also be dropped off in the front foyer.

    The JFS Pantry is named in memory of our beloved former staff member, David D. Frazier, z”l, for his steadfast passion for the pantry. May his memory always be a blessing.


JFS maintains the Chevra Kadisha Fund to honor those who prepare a Jewish body for burial. This fund is used to pay the funeral costs of those who are unable to afford a Jewish funeral or whose families cannot, and in the last 10 years has assisted with 11 funerals. Please consider making a contribution to help renew the Chevra Kadisha Fund. Donate online below or send your check made payable to Jewish Family Services, note that this is to honor the Chevra Kadisha, and mail to 5509-C West Friendly Avenue, Greensboro, NC 27410. Thank you for helping with this important community mitzvah.



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A Jewish community where every individual and family receive the support and assistance they need to thrive.




Guided by our values, Jewish Family Services provides a range of supportive, mental health, and volunteer services and programs that are dedicated to the well-being of the Jewish community and contribute to the vibrancy of the greater Greensboro community.




Our strategic plan outlines the steps we are taking in the next few years to bring Jewish Family Services closer to our mission and vision. Read the full plan here.



B’Tzelem Elohim: 
We are all created in the divine image. Every individual has dignity and worth.

Gemilut Hasadim: 
We engage in acts of loving kindness treating people with care and acting in a way to relieve suffering and assist those who are vulnerable.

Kol Arevim Zeh Ba Zeh: 
All Jews are responsible one for the other and for building a strong community.

Tikkun Olam: 
We are responsible to act to repair the world and to make it a better place for all.

We promote fairness and justice and care for others through assisting those in need of resources.

Greensboro Jewish Federation
Jewish Family Services of Greensboro
Jewish Foundation of Greensboro